These waffles are so yummy it feels sinful eating them. Even my husband and 3-year-old who don't share my vegan eating habits loved them! You can use rice...
A rather quick and easy waffle recipe, with the added goodness of fresh strawberries. Serve warm, topped with warm maple syrup, or the fruit syrup of your...
Crispy on the outside, soft on the inside, with a little crunch from the pecans. Keep waffles warm in the oven as they complete cooking and come off the...
Slightly dense waffles with a hint of lemon flavor and ricotta cheese for richness. If you like corn muffins, I think you will like these. Pairs well with...
I created this recipe when trying to get my husband to stop eating fast food for breakfast. Crispy on the outside and full of maple walnut flavor on the...
We love to serve these on Waffle Wednesdays for dinner or for large group gatherings. These are high in fiber and flavor with whole wheat flour, flax seed...
Cornmeal and chia seeds add a bit of crunch to these waffles. My family can't get enough of these light waffles. We love to make these Christmas morning...
If you like those cinnamon waffles from the frozen food department of the grocery store, you'll love these! I developed this recipe because I don't care...
These are special treat in our house! Try substituting pumpkin puree or canned yam puree for the sweet potatoes for tasty variations. Top with warmed pecan...
These are special treat in our house! Try substituting pumpkin puree or canned yam puree for the sweet potatoes for tasty variations. Top with warmed pecan...
So far this is the best I've come up with for waffles. They get a nice crispy outer shell in my waffle iron that I find delicious. Be warned: you have...